Jeffrey Sefton

Jeffrey Sefton Realtor

Jeffrey specializes in the marketing and sales of properties in the South Okanagan Valley of BC. 

Jeffrey's approach to business is solutions based and with 14 years in the real estate industry he has built a strong network. Throughout his real estate career, Jeffrey has helped hundreds of people to successfully reach their real estate goals and more importantly, their life goals.

SRES® Seniors Real Estate Specialist
MCNE® Master Certified Negotiation Expert (Real Estate Negotiation Institute)


"I relocated to Oliver, BC in 2019 from Vancouver. I had been a visitor to the interior over the years for wine tasting tours throughout the Okanagan Valley and always enjoyed the scenery and the relaxing vibe. While I enjoyed living in the city, I was growing weary of the high volume of traffic and the hustle bustle of life there. On the way home from a trip to Osoyoos and Oliver in 2017, my husband and I began discussing the possibility of a more fulfilling and slower pace of life that we could enjoy in the Okanagan. There were only two catches, we had built our careers in Vancouver and we were not sure how we could we restart at this late stage of our lives. Within a few months we had purchased a pre-sale townhouse in Oliver and 2 years later we were here enjoying our new lives. I was fortunate enough to be able to restart my real estate business and specialize in helping others to experience their new life here in the sunny South Okanagan!"

Masters Circle 2023
Prestige Award for Exemplary Sales & Service 2022
Chairman’s Award for Exemplary Sales & Service 2021
Prestige Award for Exemplary Sales & Service 2020



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